Minister: Rev'd Helen Millward
Eccleston Methodist Church is a lively, growing church situated in the heart of the village of Eccleston, next to St Mary's Primary School. There is a wide mix of ages from young babies to older folk, who all contribute to the friendly, welcoming atmosphere that you will encounter if you join us on a Sunday morning.
On the first Sunday of the month we have Family Worship, where the whole church family worships together for the whole service. Coffee is served in the church itself prior to these services. During the rest of the month, the children participate in the opening worship in church, and then go into Sunday School, where they learn more about the good news of Christ through a variety of activities. On these Sundays, we continue our fellowship after the service, with refreshments served in the school room.
Sunday worship varies from traditional, to a more contemporary style, with a short, quiet service of Holy Communion in the evening of the first Wednesday of every month. On the morning of the first Wednesday we hold a Community Coffee House in the church. There is a weekly Prayer Meeting on Monday evenings and a monthly Bible Study and Lunch fellowship at members' homes.
Why not come along and see for yourself what we have to offer? A warm welcome awaits you.
Hilliside Methodist Church
Parke Road, Brinscall
Chorley, Lancashire