Minister: Rev'd Karen Hilsden
At first glance, Hillside looks like any traditional, Victorian-looking chapel seen in villages all over the country. However, come inside on a Sunday and experience a vibrant congregation, a variety of music and worship styles and the warmest of welcomes. A contemporary people in a traditional setting.
Hillside is a Church at the Heart of the Community, both geographically, socially and spiritually. The people of Hillside have a heart for others to experience the transforming love of God in Jesus Christ.
From the thriving Friday night Youth Club, to the many Bible Study, prayer and fellowship groups, there is a place for everyone to gently seek to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Equipping ordinary people to live out the Gospel in extraordinary ways.
With a strong musical heritage and talented musicians, Hillside uses a variety of media to fulfil its mission: To Know Christ and Make Him Known.
From Messy Church for children (0 to 11 years), exploration courses for adults (such as Alpha or Christianity Explored) through to continuing growth and discipleship opportunities, Hillside Fellowship for our retired folk, Hillside has something for everyone.
Hilliside Methodist Church
Parke Road, Brinscall
Chorley, Lancashire