Inter Faith

Inter Faith

'Let's Talk Loneliness' Webinar (Lancashire and Manchester)
manchester  lancashire

We will be running a webinar at 10.00am on 9th February 2021 which is aimed at representatives from any churches or Christian organisations based in Lancashire or Greater Manchester.

The session will be an opportunity to hear about the issue of loneliness and social isolation (particularly among older people), discuss possible responses that churches can make (particularly at this challenging time) and to hear about some tools and resources which Linking Lives UK has available at this time.

Linking Lives UK is a national Christian charity which has been working to address loneliness and social isolation for the past 10 years on a national level. It operates using a successful local model (which began in Berkshire in 1998). As a charity, we work with churches to help set up befriending projects aimed at supporting socially isolated older people and we now have 66 befriending projects (either home visiting or telephone befriending) across the UK.

At the current time, however, we do not have a presence in Lancashire or Greater Manchester but are very much aware of the challenges – particularly in more rural areas – which are being faced by many people in the county at this time.

The link to the Eventbrite registration is on the word document.


hopeIn many religious traditions, hope is associated with an ultimate fulfilment, of eternal life continuing after this physical life ends.

In the Greek myth of Pandora, dating back to around 700 BC, the gods punish humanity by giving Pandora a vase, which she's told not to open. Of course, she opens it, and releases into the world a bunch of miseries and torments, taking life into an uncertain future.

One gift though remained within, elpis sometimes translated as hope, but in the Greek more usually as expectation - which could be positive (hope) or negative (despair).

Click Here to read more

Weekly Meditation

Christian meditation
Meditation may deepen one's experience of the presence of God, enhance self-awareness, and reduce stress and anxiety, valuable during this time of isolation.

Join a half-hour Zoom ‘guided meditation’ session, led by Peter Lumsden (local preacher in the Clitheroe circuit), every Monday evening at 7 p.m.

The sessions follow a pattern of 15 mins of spiritual reflection, combined with a focus on breathing, leading into a period of about 15 mins of silence.

Contact Peter Lumsden:

Dying, death, and life after death

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone, with large numbers dying, and families experiencing bereavement. Whilst we may be aware of some of the practices of different religious groups, how much do we know about the beliefs behind the various rituals and practices associated with death? Increasing our understanding of beliefs and practices of our various traditions is important in the building of stable communities, so this event will be of interest to a wide audience. It will also be recorded, so that it can be widely used as a learning resource.

A Webinar took place on 8th July via Zoom and a recording of the Webinar was made:

Click Here to read more about the aims of the Webinar


Click Here to read our Autumn 2020 Newsletter

Click Here to read our Spring 2020 Newsletter

Inter Faith Events

Check our Events Page for additional events being held

Inter Faith Religious Festivals 2020



3 – 9

Sukkot – shelters (Jewish)


Birth of Baha’u’llah (Baha’i) The prophet of the Baha’i faith


Navaratri (Hindu)


All hallows eve (Christian)






Samhain (pagan) Remembering the dead; endings and beginnings


All saints (Christian) This was a major festival in earlier times




Diwali (Hindu / Sikh) Festival of Lights


Advent begins (Christian)


Birth of Guru Nanak (Sikh) Marking the birth of the founder of the Sikh religion






Hannukah (Jewish)


Christmas (Christian) Marks the birth of Jesus who Christians recognize as the ‘messiah, or chosen one of God