Evangelism and Growth

March 2021

News and Resources from the Evangelism and Growth Team

This monthly newsletter is sent to all District Chairs to support them and their networks in the commitment to be a growing, evangelistic, inclusive and justice-seeking Church. Please share this content widely and let us have your feedback to help us better serve you and those with whom you minister.

News from the team

A few days ago I realized that I will never return to pre-Covid ‘normal’. I’ve started a new job since March 2020 and soon, I’ll be moving town, church and community. It’s a perfect opportunity to think about my life with a blank sheet of paper. But how do we give ourselves the creative space to imagine “what’s next?” when we’re barely holding on to “what’s now” and are too worn out to think beyond the current challenges?

This creative space is essential if the church is to survive and thrive in the time ahead and so we’d love to invite you and others in your district to join us in creatively imagining the possibilities ahead – whether it’s the excitement of how everyone can get involved praying during Thy Kingdom Come from their homes (and if you have a great story of the power of prayer that we can share in a video or social media – please let me know!), celebrating the opportunities of A Methodist Way of Life to help people have open, honest conversations about their faith and how it impacts the way they live their lives, or thinking about what community engagement looks like beyond lockdown.

We’d love to see you at one of our upcoming webinars – or just get in touch for a chat and to dream about the future. What’s so good about ‘normal’ anyway?

Abi Jarvis, Discipleship and Faith Formation Officer

Get to know more about our team here.

What's on this month

New free guidebook now available: Take Your Next Steps in Evangelism and Growth

This booklet provides an overview of some of the key programmes and resources to help churches, circuits, districts, and leaders take an intentional step into action. Paper copies will be distributed widely in the post in May, but you can download and share an online version now here.

District Chairs “Design Challenge” Creative Conversation

Monday 26 April, 2:00-4:00pm

Over the past few months, the Director of Evangelism and Growth has been hosting small group conversations with lay and ordained leaders across MCB about imagining a vibrant future in ministry with 'unaffiliated' people. How might the Methodist Church in Britain and our partners might meet these rising generations of people with abundant pathways to help them grow closer to God, to others, and to themselves. How might we support the journey of spiritual deepening for new generations? These conversations have been spaces to breathe, explore deeply, and "play" imaginatively without the expectation of having to build something or make a decision by the end of the meeting.

As part of this series, District Chairs are invited to participate in a session with other Chair colleagues, hosted by Trey Hall. This is a completely optional, outside-of-the-box activity – no strings attached! Just a chance to listen for God together in a different way and to see what emerges. The commitment would be for the 2-hour meeting and an hour of preparation/reading beforehand (materials to be sent in advance). To book in, simply email David Harmer, Evangelism & Growth Team Administrator: harmerd@methodistchurch.org.uk – or just get in touch for a chat and to dream about the future.

E&G at District Synods this Autumn

We would love to be present virtually or, if safe, physically at your Autumn Synods. Our team is available to lead workshops, offer testimony, give a keynote or presentation, or anything else you need. We can present on any of the key areas of the God for All strategy or can work with you to build something bespoke for your contexts. Email hallt@methodistchurch.org.uk to book in.

Featured April Webinar: Community engagement beyond lockdown: What is God asking of us now? Wednesday 14 April, 7-8.30pm

It's been a very tough year: we've been through a lot, and so have our communities. Our churches may well look very different than they did in 2019, and our communities' needs may well have changed. Join Mission and Community Engagement Officer, Emma Nash, in conversation with others who are responding to God's call in a variety of ways. You will hear of fresh mission opportunities, pick up ideas and resources and, most importantly, you'll find a space to ask yourself: what one thing is God asking of our church now? Click here to register:

Other E+G Webinars and Archive

Every month we host a number of webinars that dive into missional reflection and practice. Click here to see our upcoming offerings as well as a teeming archive on subjects from pioneering to antiracism to Methodist Way of Life and more.

Your stories

Each month we share a story from one of the Districts. This month watch the Revd Rachel Parkinson, Chair of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District:


We have committed to a Year of Prayer and offer weekly prayer meetings every Tuesday lunchtime on Zoom.

Over 600 people have signed up from across the Connexion so far. We would be delighted to see more join us. Details of how to sign up are here.

The Methodist Church | Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR 020 7486 5502 (Reception) www.methodist.org.uk

Registered charity no. 1132208