God for All update

September 2022

Dear friends,

We believe that real conversations change things. And so we offer some conversation-starters about what it means to ‘be church’ together. Each of this e-update’s sections begins with a provocative statement designed to spark thoughts, ideas, and a chat. Some might connect with you. Some might not. Hopefully some might inspire you!

So put the kettle on. Pull up a chair with some friends. And talk one of these over with them. Does it resonate with you or challenge you – or maybe both? Does it have you asking questions? If so, then ask yourself the most important question of all: what are you going to do about it?  

Under each conversation-starter statement you’ll find events, resources, and stories to encourage you along the way, as you meet with each other, with the wider world, and with God.

You can find the entire list of conversation-starters in a different format here.

– The Evangelism and Growth Team - Email us.



Sharing faith deepens faith.

Nothing prepares us better for evangelism than actually doing evangelism.

  • Christmas is just around the corner. Find out more about the Methodist Church's "There is Room" Christmas campaign here, including worship materials, digital resources, posters and invitations, and more.

  • What are your plans to make room in your church and community for new people in the festive season? Get our Top Ten ideas here.

  • Go where the people are. Check out these resources to help you engage at your local festival, fete, agricultural fair, arts and music event.



Starting new Christian communities is our new normal.

Pioneering new places for new people – not just serving existing places for already committed people – is a strategic part of our mission.


Are you discerning a calling to pioneer? A superintendent praying about New Places for New People in your circuit? A team of lay and ordained people ready to plant?

Click here to checkout the onsite and online events coming up.



If we want things to be different, we will do things differently.

We are letting go of some things in order to focus on the most important things.

  • Check out this new webinar series to explore theories of change and learn new skills to enrich your leadership, lay or ordained.

  • Got a passion for rural ministry and mission? Check out these upcoming offerings.




Justice and evangelism are Gospel partners.  

We are holding evangelism and justice together in our mission.

  • Watch this short film about the vibrant community at Selby Street Mission in Hull.

  • Want to know moreabout being a Church at the Margins? Click here to check out the onsite and online events coming up.

  • Explore what a justice-seeking church looks like at a Walking with Micah consultation event in Birmingham on 3 November. Joining the President of the Conference, the Revd Graham Thompson, you will be invited to engage in deep listening and conversation during the day, and to spend time preparing in advance for the day through prayer, reading, and reflection. Find out more and to book a ticket here.



To be the Church, we need to get out of the building.

We are building personal relationships in our wider community in order to learn and serve together.

Find out more about Community Organising and practices that offer a way for churches to engage in mission rooted in missio dei, bringing together social justice, social

action, and contextual evangelism.



The new census data to be released later this autumn will likely show an increase in the percentage of the British public who identify as “non-religious” or “unaffiliated” or “no religion”. Theos, a Christian think tank exploring the relationship between religion, politics, and society, will soon release a report unpacking this trend called The Religion of “Nones”. Get a sneak peak at some of the findings in a Guardian article here.



What makes one person laugh might leave another feeling cold, especially when it comes to satire and parody. Find out which kind of person you are and check out the new BBC series Cunk on Earth, a mockumentary which “follows Philomena Cunk as she comically tells the story of our greatest inventions, and asks experts hard-hitting questions about humanity's progress”.  

The extremely earnest among us probably won’t crack a smile at the sometimes uncomfortable spoof, but see what you think! Click here for a snippet.

The Methodist Church  |   Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR 020 7486 5502 (Reception) www.methodist.org.uk

Registered charity no. 1132208